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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

(including SCOPUS requirements)

The structure of the article should comply with the HAC (Resolution № 7-05\1 by 15.01.2003) and contain: problem definition, analysis of recent research and publications, tasks and goals, the main part, conclusions, references. The references are divided into 2 lists: 1) Literature by HAC requirements and 2) Reference (same references, issued with the standard of the American Psychological Association APA 6th – to enable counting of citation index). Article title, author’s name, keywords and abstracts submitted in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian, English).


Formal requirements for abstracts: 100-150 words, professional English (not automatic or illiterate translation). The decision on including paper to the collection will be taken by English-speaking experts according to English abstract.
Requirements for content:
Abstract briefly describes the contents of the article on actual topic for international scientific community. A common method of annotating is to repeat structure of the article (introduction, purpose and objectives, methods, results, conclusions). The text of the abstract must be coherent, one sentence accorded to the other. Abstract enables using of your work by other authors: for quotes in further or related works, discussions, request for the full article. So it should not be considered as supplemental part, but as a single source of information about the study.


The main task of the study should describe as it was conducted (without the methodological details) summarizing the important conclusions and their meaning for science.
Main goals, topic and subject of the study should be pointed in the abstract if they are not obvious with the title. Information from the title in the abstract is not repeated.
Methods could be described when there is the innovation on its usage.
The results are exact theoretical, empirical facts and patterns of interaction.
In an abstract only the most important results are submitted. Preferred results are with long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions which reject existing theories or have practical meaning.
Abstract should not contain the material (facts, estimates, hypotheses, recommendations) that are not in paper.
Please avoid historical references, previous author’s articles references or well known facts.
Do not include introductory words, unnecessary details.


Facilitate finding of the article by search engines. Do not repeat terms from the title and abstract. It’s better to use terms from the article and related area or other significant words.


Description of English bibliographical sources:


1) Authors (transliteration); 2) The name of the source (article) – transliteration; 3) [Translation of the article title in English – brackets]; 4) The name of the journal (transliteration) – italics; 5) [Translation of the name of the journal in English – brackets] 6) Initial data in English or link; 7) An indicator of the language in article after the description (i.e. Ukr).

For English:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2005).Title of article. Title of Journal, 10(2), 49–53.
For other languages:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2005).Title of article [Title of article].Title of Journal [Title of Journal], 10(2), 49–53 (Ukr).


1) The author(s) (transliteration);
2) Title (transliteration, italics);
3) The translation of the title in brackets;
4) Initial data – location (En), publisher (En if university or transliteration if the publisher);
5) The number of pages in the book;
6) An indicator of the language of the article after the description (i.e. Ukr)

For English:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B. Title. Kyiv: Milenium Publ., 2014.
For other languages:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B. Title of book [Title of book]. Kyiv: Milenium Publ., 2014(ukr).

Please use standard rules for transliteration or online convertor (i.e. translit.kn.ua)
Author’s last name should be written as it spelled in the passport so it’s better to take it from English sources.
Number of authors is not limited as it is in the HAC requirements (but still within reason) so all of them could be mentioned for quotation indexing.
If translated source is quoted so better not to provide its self-made translation but the officially translated title in square brackets which is usually mentioned in the book or you can find it in the Internet.
English-language sources should be included as in the Literature for HAC and as well in the Reference list with duplication. Automated quotation system only works with a list of References.



Pettigrew, T.F. (1998). Intergroup contact theory. Annual Review of Psychology, 49, 65– 85.
Tytarenko, T.M. (2006) Potentsial podolannia skladnykh zhyttevykh obstavyn [Potential of coping with difficult life circumstances]. Naukovi studiyii z sotsial`noyi ta politychnoyi psykholohiyi [Scientific Studies in Social and Political Psychology], 13(16), 3–13 (Ukr).


McKay, S. (2000). Northern Protestants: An unsettled people. Belfast: Blackstaff.
Naydonova, L. A. (2013) Reflekcyvna psykholohiya terytorial’nykh spil’not [Reflexive psychology of local communities]. Kyiv: Milenium Publ (Ukr)


Deaux, K. (1996). Social identification. In E. T. Higgins & A. W. Kruglansky (Eds.), Handbook of basic principles (pp.777–798). New York: The Guilford Press.
Sljusarevskyj, M. M. (2009). Diahnostyka, prohnozuvannya ta koryhuvannya sotsialnoyi napruzhenosti: kontseptual’na model’ [Diagnostics, prognostication and correction of social tension conceptual model]. In M. M.Sljusarevskyj (Eds.), “My” I “Ya”v suchasnomu sviti: vybrani tvory [“We” and “I” in modern world: chosen works] (pp. 171–193). Kyiv: Milenium Publ (Ukr).
Vasiutynskyi, V. O., & Frolov, P. D. (2012). Stereotypy vzayemnoho spryimannya etnichnykh ukrayintsiv i rosiyan [Stereotypes of Mutual Perceptions by Ethnic Ukrainians and Russians]. In V. O. Vasiutynskyi (Eds.), Rosiys’komovna spil’nota v Ukrayini: sotsialno-psykholohichnyi analiz [Russian Language Community in Ukraine: social psychological analysis](pp. 107 –119). Kyrovograd: Imeks – LTD Publ (Ukr).


Jarman, N. & Brayan, D. (1996). Parades and protest: A discussion of parading disputes in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: University of Ulster.
Usmanov,T.S., Gusmanov,A.A., Mullagalin,I.Z., Muhametshina,R.Ju., Chervyakova,A.N., Sveshnikov, A.V. (2007) [Features of the design of field development with the use of hydraulic fracturing]. Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “Novye resursosberegayushchie tekhnologii nedropol’zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi” [Proc. 6th Int. Symp.“New energy saving subsoil technologies and the increasing of the oiland gas impact”]. Moscow, pp. 267-272. (Rus).


Kennaway, B. (2005). What is the Orange Order? Lion and Lamb, 13, http://www.econi.org/LionLamb/013/orange.html
Cowen, B. (2002). Address by the Minister for Foreign Affairs at the 24th Plenary Session of the British-Irish Inter-Parlamentary Body, 25 March 2002. Retried October 11, 2006, from http://www.biipb.org/biipb/summsry/sum/doc/250702/25070208.htm.
Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland (2005). The tradition of parades. http://www.gpl.net/customers/goli/parades.htm [downloaded 23 March].

For more details about APA 6th Standards please visit: http://www.apastyle.org/manual/index.aspx